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by (718 points)
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Soul eater axe has 47ice + 10 physical damage. But monsters have an armor stat that absorbs a lot of physical. So it's possible that the physical part won't even scratch a mob, especially on a low stat like 10 points. Powerful frost adds + 5 ice damage (10,6 percent of whole ice damage on soul eater). Powerful crit gives an additional 5 percent (10 perc chance + 50 perc damage). While using powerful frost we still have a chance to blow crit 110 perc damage, and 160 perc still work on low blow. Wouldn't be more efficient to use frost instead of crit?
by (328 points)
I can't test now, but I think that you can't imbue ice damage in a weapon that already have ice damage. Like when you can't add ice protection imbuement in an armor that already have ice protection.
by (718 points)
Hmmm, probably You have right :/ It seems, that's it's not possible to add ice damage on falcon battleaxe and other elemental weapons either. Now I know why people don't use it, ehh.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7,047 points)
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Best answer

Items with an initial elemental damage, or a positive or negative elemental protection or skill boost cannot be imbued with the respective imbuements.

Source: Tibia fandom
