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What's the impact of using Epiphany instead of Void on wand of destruction? Is it worth to make the change for increased xp?

I'm still using void on mage hat with epiphany, I'm on 14h of imbuement left on the wand (void, strike) and would like to know if you guys already did some testing.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (6,736 points)

Quite opinion-based question, because everything depends on what you want to do in game.

Wand with Epiphany would be nice for bosses, to make better damage but personally I use Void, since it is definitely more useful during hunts, for example when I go on raid I almost don't use mana potions, so it helps me waste less than usual.

0 votes
by (5,689 points)
I always make Void and Cryt, because magic level you can make by EQ, by mastermind potions, by spell :)
0 votes
by (544 points)
It will depend, in some situations it ian worth. You must check if with one just void u can keep your mana high or if you have trouble to keep it.
0 votes
by (4,311 points)
It worth to make more XP but your team must do the same it means that your party must use set and imbuements to  increase their damage too specially paladin and knight. If only you decide to use epiphany it won't have any considerable impact at the XP hate and you probably will just waste more with no better results.