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I am currently designing some production videos and was wondering if it is possible to remove player names from displayed messages?

Currently, I can configure the display settings to remove information like time stamps and levels, but when I speak in-game it still displays the character name ~ eg: 'Shady Doctor says: Hello'

I was wondering if it is possible for me to configure the settings so when I speak, the yellow text above my character would instead say:  'Hello'

If I can achieve this, it would add a more realistic effect to the videos I am designing.

1 Answer

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Best answer

In tibia you can't keep player messages without their name showing up.

You can control names in the following ways:

You can stop names popping up in-game, by removing on-screen messages.

Name Plates:
You can toggle through showing creature names using the CTRL+N hotkey.
It has 4 different possible states:

PlayerEverything Else

Ignore List:
Using the ignore whitelist/blacklist you can ignore specific players and npcs too.
This has limited uses but is good for ignoring NPCS so they don't ruin clips etc.
