+3 votes
by (14 points)
I just started playing on Venebra.
Im Rp lvl 70, skills 82/69.
I want to farm small stones to train my distanc cuz it is not worth buying on market (45gp/each)

Where is the best place to farm small stones as paladin?

Do not say its waste of time online training.

by (576 points)
Not what you asked for but you could also consider completing the shadows of yalahar quest and train with flaming arrows on the modified gnarlhounds in telas basement. From my experience this is the most relaxed way as you never have to watch out for you hp and have don't have to retarget a lot.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (7,046 points)

The best way is take some arrows/bolts and go to Femor Hills. Here you can kill Goblins. Goblins Scavengers and Goblins Assasins to loot the stones you need.

The location is between Carlin, Ab'dendriel and Kazordoon.


The other way is take some arrows/bolts and go to Edron Goblin Cave, Here you can kill Goblins. Goblins Scavengers and Goblins Assasins to loot the stones you need.

The location is southwest of Edron, entering in the peninsula.


+2 votes
by (5,051 points)

Althouuugh I think that training nowadays isss useless.. cheeky  to make the most of the time invested, I would farm smal stones at the same time that I farm charm points so I would go to these places, one after other when I'm done with its bestiary:

- Goblins of femor hills/edron cave: As Trululu said this is the easiest placce to loot them.

- Sibangs in the Ape city loot thousand of them asswell

- Stone Golem

- Pooka, twisted pooka, faun and dark fauns: drop them asswell but with a smaller probability (but they give better loot and exp, so you would compensate the less amount looted with the prob of buying the rest in market.

Hope I could help.

by (5,801 points)
nice answer. Getting charms along with the small stones is a good move!