+3 votes
by (4,161 points)
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As we know, Megasylvan Plant  can be done only once per character. 

I wonder if we need a finished quest to make it? Suppose we have made a plant with the main character.

Can we do it with a different character, for example with level 8? Or are there any requirements?

If so, can we use the Megasylvan Plant in the main character house?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (1,669 points)
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No, no quest is required for making a Megasylvan Plant.

Note that it becomes a Furniture Kit when wrapped. So every character after making its own plant can wrap it and give/sell it to other players.

Additionally, the item Pot with Sylvan Earth, which you get before making the Megasylvan Plant, can also be given/sold to other players.

by (4,161 points)
You've cleared my doubts, thank you!
by (1,669 points)
You're welcome! :)