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Hello, which kind of spawns should i hunt my druid lvl 100-200 if i dont want to waste so much on sd and mana shield?
What avalanche/gfb spawns there is? Please help me out i want play this game without rushing to top with tc :(

ps I am willing to any quest needed to achieve access
by (576 points)

Not the exact same level range but answered until 200+ either way. Options for everything you'd want.
by (2,564 points)
This question seems to be more specific (no waste, preferably no SDs/mana shield) so we can see how it develops.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7,008 points)
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The places I can recommended are:

Level recommended+

  •  Place (City/Continent): Creatures with Runes to kill it

Level 100+

  • Souleater Mountains (Zao): Soul Eaters with Great Fireball Rune
  • Hive Surface (Gray Island): All kind of Insects with Great Fireball Rune
  • Factory Quarter (Yalahar): Worker Golems with Thunderstorm Rune

Level 120+

  • Factory Quarter (Yalahar): War Golems with Sudden Death Rune
  • Grimvale (Edron): All kind of Weres with Great Fireball Rune

Level 150+

  • Hero Cave (Edron): Demons with Sudden Death Rune and Avalanche Rune
  • Demona (Carlin): Warlocks with Sudden Death Rune and Stone Shower Rune

Level 180+

  • Glooth Factory (Oramond): Glooth Bandits and Glooth Brigand with Great Fireball Rune
  • Razachai (Zao): Lizard High Guards, Lizard Legionnaires and Lizard Dragon Priest with Avalanche Rune
  • Corruption Hole (Zao): Lizard Chosen with Great Fireball Rune
  • Summer Court (Feyrist): Summer Elfs with Avalanches

In all those places you gonna get at least a small profit.
