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by (37 points)
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I'm seeking good experience with waste for a level 84 Elder Druid. I'm currently hunting Wyrms in Liberty Bay and also Giant Spiders (since level 50). This became not only boring but I believe there are better places, especially for using XP Bonus, any ideas on where else to hunt?

3 Answers

0 votes
by (7,008 points)

Creature - Place - Item

Heros - Edron - Avalanches

Heroes - Thais (Temple - Black Portal) - Avalanches

High Class Lizzards - Farmine - Sudden Death/Avalanches

Dragon Lords - Farmine/Darashia - Sudden Death/Avalanches

Giant Spiders - Port Hope - Great Fire Balls

Water Elementals - Port Hope - Thunderstorms

Minos - Oramond - Sudden Death

Ancients Scrabs - Ankrahmun (Mother Ancients Scrabs Lairs) - Great Fire Balls

0 votes
by (37 points)
Hello mistrzek!

U can win full xp with sudden death in wyrms on liberty bay.

Too u can win full xp and pay any of ur waste in oramond with a minos

grimvale in edron is good too for xp with a gfb runes.

and edron, u can hunt vampires viscount and bridge with gfb.

bye! good luck
by (37 points)
thank you friend!
0 votes
by (12 points)
If you like to stay safe and not to move much , then try minotaurs in oramond with SDs/some AVAs , but close to stairs don't move to much!

In other had if you like to kill packs of monsters then i would go Darashia dragons, maybe POI , Wyrms in Liberty bay or the one close to Necromancer Quest. feel free to ask for more info.