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by (7,047 points)
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I was retired for some time, so I really don't know how some hunting spots work, and where I can go hunting alone with my Elder Druid Level 300+?

1 Answer

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by (6,736 points)
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Recent changes - mostly nerfs, but also some buffs rather affect mid and high levels so nothing special has changed in case of hunting places for 300 lvl.

Still some classics are worth to hunt, like:

  • lower levels of Banuta,
  • Lizard City,
  • West Oramond (during Quara Scouts raid)
  • Lower Roshamuul
  • you can start with Asuras on Palace, because I'm afraid that as soon as you meet with the first pack of Asuras just behind the flame (teleport), you will be dead. When I was 500 lvl I got red HP quite often.
  • chill on Glooth Bandits - yea, as soon as there is a profit it is a nice place :P
  • Oramond Raids - you could start with raid on the left (Wild Life Creatures), exp/h is nerfed a little, but still nice
Harder places for skilled players:
  • You should try Lamassu/Sphinx, but even better would be Crypt Wardens/Sphinx -2 on Magic Shield/utamo vita with some SSA in your backpack. Use 2 bombs in the middle of the room and run with the monsters around it. Use Avalanche runes/ you can use SDs too, but exp/h may be worse.
  •  Buried Catedral with different Spectres/Arachnophobica (but I think it's quite hard on this level to make a good exp/h there)
  • Falcon Bastion (exp/h is much worse nowadays, but if you want a good loot you should definitely consider it in your plans).