The Best way of checking which items are still obtainable by winning/contributing or being a member(admin, moderator) of the website is to go to and on main page on the right handside you will find section for Fansites, just click on "view all fansites" --> .
This will provide you an actual & updated list of all active fansites with representative Fansite items. There will be also small details about what type is the fansite.
Currently you can earn fansite items by contributing for: TibiaQa, TibiaRoyal1; Guildstats, Tibiapedia.
Currently very active fansites with regular contests: TibiaBosses, TibiaHome, TibiaEvents, TibiaGoals, Tibiaria,
You can also check those on following page: But I do not recommend to rely on the fansite's in this matter, as they might not be up to date. For example TibiaWikiBR shows Baby Munster in active section, where the website was temporarily suspended. Also, VivaTibia is not updated with the new item made by Makadamia.
1. TibiaRoyal left Fansite program on 16th July 2021-