+3 votes
by (272 points)
I am looking for a ways of going from one city from another with PZ block. Which means without having access to the boats, steamships, magic carpets, sea turtles, ore wagons and any other possible protection zone places. It would be nice to have a map showing those connections or even short tips?
Like this-
-Port Hope through Kha'zeel mountain - Ankrahmun and darashia.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (64 points)
There are other ways than walking for doing this. The ones I know of are the following:

- There's a bug with the grave of Galthen where in certain situations you can get teleported to Thais Crossroads.

- If you ask for a Shortcut in Port Hope without entering the boat, you might be able to land in Fibula.

- You can go though several cities using Zargarash as a walkway though Tibia (Feaster of Souls quest).

- Using the Strange Machine for the first time in Gray Island will get you to Edron.

- You can use the Ectoplasm of several colours to go though Port Hope - Darashia - Venore.

- You can go from Summer Court to Winter Court using the portals inside.

- There's a bug in the Cults of Tibia Plains of Havoc part where in certain situations nort east of the portal to the lever spor you can get teleported to Thais crossroads.

Extra option (for parody): If you make a community manager very angry you might get teleported to the GM Isle.
The teleportation to Thais cross roads generally happens when a change of map occurs, and the effected player was standing on the wrong sqm. But to add to your answer, this also occurs when you stand on tentugly's ship, and the tentacles spawn on a sqm you may be standing. Additionally the same event occurs every 2 hours after server save from whereever the portal to the heart of destruction may be. Even if the portal doesn't change, you will still get the message that you were effected by strange events and TP to Thais. This particular one can be very useful if you're trying to escape a pvp situation, and it just so happens to be that the portal is currently in the city you're in. As I said this will happen every 2 hours from the second the server comes back up, so it's easy to time.
by (435 points)
Small add, from Venore to Thais by Horse transport.
My favourite walk is from Thais Ancient Temple till Carlin through rotworms, cyclops, underground Mount Sternun and its connection to Corym's cave.

Is the POH Nightmare Knight's Tower PZ?