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by (64 points)
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So far I've been killing the boss Mahatheb, with succesfully spawning it about five times, and I've noticed a pattern when it comes to it:

- Always before it spawning a Bonebeast and then a Vampire spawn right before Mahatheb finally spawns.
- It seems to always spawn at night, since I've not been able to spawn it at daytime.
- Three minutes seems to be a pretty exact time of the spawn between the death of one monster and the spawn of the other.

Now, I would love and encourage people to please try to add or remove items from the list I just made since I can't seem to add any more data to the spawn of this boss, since I'm trying to find the most efficient way of farming it.

My interest in farming it comes from the fact that not so many Mahatheb's have been killed in the history of this boss, and hopefully it might give a rare drop that would become a one-of-a-type item and bring up interest in this boss. The sheer knowledge of said item existing or not is more than enough for me to be happy with the results of my current quest.

Hope this question picks up interest between you guys.

Edit: I must remove the bonebeast as second to last spawn before mahatheb since it seems to be a coincidence. Thanks Williams for the suggestion.

by (5,318 points)
First of all congratulations on making Mahatheb spawn so many times:)
Just to let you know that similar question been asked before:
You might want to add your discoveries there as an answer.
by (1,142 points)
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When I killed my first Mahatheb I had only vampires being spawned and no single bonebeast. Your first point may be a coincidence.
We have a long thread here on Tibiabosses: https://www.tibiabosses.com/forum/topic/mystery-of-mahatheb-ii-eng-2/?part=5 where you can discuss your findings with real experts on this matter, like Monte, Mogh or Haishen. I encourage you to do so. :)
by (64 points)
Thanks a lot Idontknow and Williams for your respective answers, I will then change my list according to Williams suggestion. I've already read Tibiabosses' articles and forums about the boss.

1 Answer

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by (5,523 points)
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Based on my understanding of the boss it is random when it spawns on that spawn point. Similar to Abyssal Calamary and Crustacea Gigantica. I imagine the only way to make farming more efficient would be to do it during a Rapid Respawn Event.
by (64 points)
Hello Xarkost. As far as I understand, this spawnspot is not affected by rapid respawn. Thanks for your answer though.
by (5,318 points)
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Even though it would possibly not work with boss itself, If the amount of the killed monsters triggers the spawn, the rapid respawn would be a good option
Thats a good idea though!