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by (594 points)

Today I found The Welter boss. I already own 5 credits in bosstiary but there is something I keep thinking about.

Well, I received a rare item from it despite the fact that Boss Bonus was not taken into account.

Shrunken Head Necklace

As I wrote earlier I have the entire bosstiary unlocked for The Welter, which gives me a 155% loot bonus:

Boss Bonus

My question is, when exactly is the boss bonus taken into account? I'm a knight, so it's obvious that I couldn't heal others but I took up every other type of participation (damage, tank damage).

Which bonus counts when killing a boss? The one that gives a boost or the one for the overall, or do they add up?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,874 points)
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Best answer
You benefit from an equipment loot bonus of 155%. This means that there is a 155% chance for you to receive another set of equipment loot from the boss.

This bonus only applies to items which can be equipped unless they are limited to one drop per boss kill, e.g. Ferumbras' hat. Such unique drops are not affected by this bonus.

Using the example of The Welter, I suspect that the rare items (necklace and crossbow) it drops are unique, as I have never seen more than one person drop the same rare item. So it is very possible that the boss bonus does not apply to these items. Unfortunately, CipSoft has never wanted to release an official list of the equipment they consider unique, so it is up to players to draw their own conclusions.

In addition, the boss bonus message only appears if you actually drop some equipment in the extra set of equipment loot. In your case, the items you dropped (knight armor, ice rapier and stone skin amulet) came in the boss's normal loot, and not thanks to your 155% loot bonus. This means that regardless of your amount of boss bonus, it is not guaranteed that the boss will drop equipment in the extra set of equipment loot.

Source: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=6733