+1 vote
by (1,534 points)
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With the rise of silver token price (at 70k in some server) were nice to know which bosses provide silver token in a efficient way, I know for example Grave danger and dream courts drop around 2st daily each (up to 12 st in average) but probably there are other bosses that without taking too much time provide a decent amount of tokens daily, hence my question.

I must clarify tho, that I'm looking for whatever boss that could provide ST because there's a lot of them that take too much time and they don't even provide 1 st 100% but instead im looking for the most efficient ones, those that are quick to kill or drop a decent amount of tokens per death (a rate of 15m/ST were okay).
by (441 points)
Not sure what your level is but mini library bosse gives decent number of silver tokens usually (and gold also)
by (1,534 points)
I think i can handle them as well, whichever boss that accomplish the aforementioned requirements is good for me since I want to create a list for my guild and we have a lot of different lvls.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (249 points)
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Well, i'll list from most efficient to lowest efficient bosses to farm Silver Tokens:

The Scourge of Oblivion: (Also know as last library boss) 0~25, average of 12 each boss.

 Ghulosh: 0~12 silver tokens, average of 6 each boss.

Gorzindel: 0~12 silver tokens, average of 6 each boss.

Lokathmor: 0~12 silver tokens, average of 6 each boss.

Mazzinor: 0~12 silver tokens, average of 6 each boss.

 Ferumbras Mortal Shell: 1~6 silver tokens, average 3 each boss.

Dream Courts Bosses:
  1~4 silver tokens, average 2 each boss.

Grave Danger Bosses: 

 1~3 silver tokens, average 2 each boss.

  Zelos: 0~4 Silver Tokens, average 2 each boss.

The Source Of Corruption: 0~3 silver tokens, average 2 each boss.

The Last Lore Keeper: 0~4 silver tokens, average 2 each boss.

Ferumbras Ascendant Quest Bosses:

  Average 1 silver token each boss.

There is a lot more bosses that drops silver tokens, but most of them have lower than 1 silver drop average... I'll list them here just for knowledge:
Thais portals bosses, cults of tibia bosses, warzones 456, urmalulu, werebosses (edron/cormaya), drume, kroazur, scarlett, ancient spawn of morgathla.

by (1,534 points)
this is exactly what i was looking for, thank you so much for the detailed answer.