+5 votes
by (6,736 points)
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What is the best strategy to collect Prey Hunting Task points without spending Tibia Coins?

I noticed that some people have already collected enough Hunting Task Points to buy a Falconer Outfit or Antelope mount (both are rewards, which you can get from Walter Jaeger by exchanging HTP), but every time I asked about their strategy their answer was... to spend a lot of Tibia Coins to buy some additional Wild Cards, for example, to choose a particular creature from the hardest category, which they hunt a lot to increase their level or to increase the number of stars (points) for each task.

What about making Hunting Tasks and collecting points without spending Tibia Coins for Wild Cards?

  • There are 3 different levels of monsters depending on their difficulty. The higher level, the more points as a reward,
  • Some of the monsters appear in small numbers, while others appear in huge numbers in selected hunting areas,
  • Finally killing some monsters takes a lot of time, while killing others with the same level of difficulty, due to the nature of the hunting spot, takes little time.

I think all these factors are important in the case of choosing creatures to complete Hunting Tasks.

Answering the question please take into consideration the following issues:

Are there any specific monsters that you should always choose, due to the ease of doing a task and relatively high number of points?

Is there any proven strategy to collect HTP without any big investments?

by (17,406 points)
The answer to this depends on your level and vocation and also if your solo or in a team~ Did you just want us to say what works for us in general?
by (6,736 points)
I noticed that some tips can be completely independent of our level and vocation, so I wrote the question in a general way. From my own experience - I know hunting spots that give a nice number of HTP, are good for both - lower and higher levels and takes very little time to complete the task. In case of any situations and/or hunting grounds that depends on our level or way of hunting it would be great to see it with suggestion whether it is for low/high level or solo/team hunters.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

The best strategy to collect Prey Hunting Task points without spending Tibia Coins

Collecting Prey Hunting Tasks Points (HTP) without spending Tibia Coins is an adventure for patient players who are willing to wait even a few years before they achieve their goal. Here I wanted to present some tips, that would work for players who are interested in Hunting Tasks, but due to different reasons don’t want to spend hundreds of Tibia Coins.


First of all our hunts will be different depending on our level. For now, among monsters available in Hunting Tasks there are 3 different levels of difficulty. The higher level, the more points as a reward.

Seems to be obvious, that low-level players unfortunately are able to face only the easiest monsters. The higher level of our character– the higher level of monsters’ difficulty we should choose. Until we’ll be able to face the hardest ones we need to focus on areas that are possible to hunt by us.

If our level is enough and our choice of monsters wide – we should choose as high level of monster’s difficulty as possible.


In order to get a noticeable amount of points in the shortest amount of time, we must strive to do as many tasks as possible. Of course preferably 2 Prey Hunting Tasks per day (or 3 if we decided to buy the 3rd Prey Hunting Task slot after all). That's why it's important to avoid monsters, which will take us a very long time to complete due to their small number or inadequate difficulty. Choose monsters that:

1. we often kill in the course of daily hunting - pleasant and useful!

2. are in large concentrations - this is a very important point! If you kill for example 20 task monsters in 1 minute you will finish it much faster than with single-spawn monsters

At this point I can give some examples of monsters on a medium level of difficulty:

  • Glooth Anemons, Drillworms, Devourers (Wildlife Raid – Glooth Factory)
  • War Golems, Glooth Golems, Worker Golems (Mechanical Creatures Raid – Glooth Factory)
  • Mooh’tah Warrior, Worm Priestess (East Oramond)
  • Wyrms (Drefia)
  • Instable and Destabilized Sparks (The Void)
  • West Oramond creatures
  • Werehayenas
  • Haunted Treeling (Vengoth)
  • Midnight Asura (Asura Palace)


Choosing monsters from the weak range is easier because the amount to kill is relatively small.

Choosing monsters from the hard level of difficulty must depend on our preferences for hunting places. Choose, as far as possible, those monsters, which you hunt on a daily basis.

3. (In case of overpopulated servers) are in the accessible places, where you don't have to wait in line for days - this will allow you to do more tasks in less time,

4. are adjusted to your level so that killing them will not make the task longer.


If you have completed an entry in the Bestiary, you can choose the option where there are 2x more monsters to kill, and you will be rewarded with 2x more Hunting Task Points!

  • For weak monsters: 1) 25 creatures 2) 50 creatures (option available after completing the bestiary)
  • For Medium Monsters: 1) 100 creatures 2) 200 creatures (option available after completing the bestiary)
  • For strong monsters: 1) 400 creatures 2) 800 creatures (option available after completing the bestiary)

If you want to gather as much HTP as possible quickly, make sure that Bestiary entries, which are easy to make as tasks are completed. You will be able to receive more points!


Each player receives free Wildcards every week. Remember that you can always use them to increase the number of stars for a task, and thus receive a higher number of points. We should do this in cases when we find (according to our level) a strong monster, which will give us a large number of points.

Free Wildcards should be used especially when we hit a monster that gives us a lot of points in the task, which we get at level 3 stars. Then we raise it to level 4 or 5 stars. Why? - Then we get an additional 10% chance for 50% or 100% more points! It is still free, but may change a lot!


If you don't have time to do the Prey Hunting Task during one day, don't worry! Just choose a task that interests you. The next day (after saving servers) you will be able to do this task and roll over for free to choose and do another one!




+1 vote
by (16 points)

I only got 20,000 as a 275 RP, and some of my favorite creatures to hunt for task points are 

  • haunted treelings
  • werehyaenas
  • wyrms
  • west oramond creatures
Overall I've loved doing it so far because it forces me to try new areas. I tend to focus on 5-10 creatures and try to pick those until I've unlock their charm. For instance Wyrms, War Golem, Grim Reapers, etc. Yet if I see a creature I've fully unlocked and that is not terribly slow I will usually go for it as grants a lot more points.

Not a very thorough answer but just some encouragement! 