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by (17,404 points)
During the prey hunting tasks, you get points depending on the creature, bonus and reward level. After a while, these points add up and you can redeem them for rewards. I am scared to redeem anything at this point because it takes a while for the points to add up. I'm assuming they work like favour points during Orcsoberfest but I know there are other quests that use points during the missions and they never expire. So I just want to know if anyone has ever handed in any points and if they vanish or not?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
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Yes you consume the task points to buy stuff. It works quite similar to tibia coins. I saw a video of the guy who bought the first part of falconer and he got back to like 0 pts. Would be too easy if they don't consume any points. People could instantly buy the 2 addons when had points for outfit.
+1 vote
by (1,557 points)
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Best answer

Yes the points will expire. I've bought the Bronze Hunter Trophy Bronze Hunter Trophy for 5.000 Hunting Task points and they just gone.

by (17,404 points)
Only makes sense but man.. Im at 82k hunting task points I'm so proud, but so defeated at this point lol.
by (1,557 points)
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This points are extremely hard to get, especially because you have no option do roll it for free. What is the main problem of it. I just wasted TC buying the third slot, the prizes cost a lot  and to be honest the outfit is kind ugly.