+1 vote
by (5,796 points)
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Due to the Sunset of Tournaments, this question is outdated.

I am not focusing on it at all, but I wonder if these points are conserved in our character if we obtain in one tournament. By accident, I did two hunting tasks this tournament so far. Will I conserve these points for the next tournaments?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (92 points)
No, you won't keep them, every time a tournament ends, everything is supposed to be reset to start a new one.
by (17,406 points)
I believe your correct because I didnt keep mine
+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer

In short no, nothing like, hunting task points, charms, bestiary, levels, skills, items, gold, quest and acces remains to the next tournament. In every tournament the character was reset.

On every new Tournament, all characters start at level 20 with basic Skills and 20,000 Gold in their bank balance.

Store products such as Furniture and Training Dummies are not lost when a Tournament Ends. The character will have these already when the join a new Tournament.
