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by (6,736 points)
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In Tibia there are many different mechanics of the reward system. Sometimes it depends on our participation, sometimes it is completely random. In a few cases a group of items among the loot we can get if our participation was the winning one, but some items we can treat as an exception, and it is dropped by a boss really randomly.

How does the reward system work in the case of Glooth Fairy , Lisa , and Bullwark ?

1 Answer

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by (248 points)

I killed those bosses few times alone and few times with someone else.
t seems pretty random, since I never dropped anything and also my friends :\

I cant say exactly how many times I killed, but was significant.

by (5,318 points)
Hi Jess,
Thank you for your input. I believe Pochwalona is asking more asking about killing it in the team as in:
We are going in team to kill Lisa. 2 members have higher participation than others in killing Lisa. Does this people only are included to have a chance to loot "better" loot for winning the boss, or it will be random (everyone has chance to get it)?
I was doing  Bullwark and Glooth Fairy solo, so I cannot say anything in depth about team.