When you're in the room with The Great Schnitzel and he changes places you get kicked out of the room. Sometimes you get back to where you originally walked into the cauldron, and the cauldron will disappear. However, I've also experienced where I get teleported to Svargrond near the arena for some reason even though I was at the Edron Stonehome cauldron!
When the Schnitzel was in really low health I got kicked out of the room to where the cauldron was and this server log message appeared- "THE GREAT SCHNITZEL IS LOOKING FOR A NEW HIDING PLACE!"
When the Schnitzel wasn't in really low health but just decided to change places I got kicked out from Edron Stonehome cauldron to all the way near the Arena in Svargrond and this server log message appeared-"THE GREAT SCHNITZEL HAS APPEARED SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD!"
So either way, you get kicked out!