+2 votes
by (5,318 points)
What happens if I am in Boss room and Schnitzel changes his location? Will I be able to finish my tasks in the boss room if Schnitzel changes location in between, or I will be kick out from the room?
related to an answer for: When does the Schnitzel change location?
by (5,523 points)
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I've never tested this. Maybe someone else does or will have to test during the event. I would guess you would be teleported to temple because of "strange events".
by (5,318 points)
Sadly, been there& done that. And I Do not recommend :D
by (5,523 points)
When you say boss room are you referring to the Schnitzel's room or King Chuck's room?
by (5,318 points)
Schnitzel’s boss room:)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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When you're in the room with The Great Schnitzel and he changes places you get kicked out of the room. Sometimes you get back to where you originally walked into the cauldron, and the cauldron will disappear. However, I've also experienced where I get teleported to Svargrond near the arena for some reason even though I was at the Edron Stonehome cauldron!

When the Schnitzel was in really low health I got kicked out of the room to where the cauldron was and this server log message appeared- "THE GREAT SCHNITZEL IS LOOKING FOR A NEW HIDING PLACE!"

When the Schnitzel wasn't in really low health but just decided to change places I got kicked out from Edron Stonehome cauldron to all the way near the Arena in Svargrond and this server log message appeared-"THE GREAT SCHNITZEL HAS APPEARED SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD!"

So either way, you get kicked out!

0 votes
by (301 points)

The Schnitzel spawn happens every two hours.

If you kill the boss or not, you can stay inside the room during those two hours.

So the answer is: You are kicked out of the room after two hours of spawn, whether or not you kill the boss.

Note below taken from tibiawiki.com.br 

Note: The player can remain in that area for 2 hours, after which time he is kicked out, and can only enter again using another 10 Schnitzel Points.

by (5,318 points)
And do you know where I will be teleported ?
by (5,523 points)
I am pretty sure you are referring to the Feeding Grounds in this answer which is not what the question was referring to. It was referring to the Schnitzel Room where you gain the Schnitzel Points.