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by (17,406 points)
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During the Orcsoberfest event the Schnitzel spawns in a random location. My question is when does the Schnitzel change location exactly? Is it when the Schnitzel reaches a certain hitpoint? Or does the Schnitzel stay in one location for only so long? Incase you need help finding the Schnitzel please check out this related question: Where can I find the Schnitzel?

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (60 points)

The location of the gate to the Great Schnitzel changes every 2 hours. That is, it is related to time and not Schnitzel life.

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Portal with Schnitzel change location

* every 2 hours

* when Schnitzel has black hp and needs time to regenerate.

Remember! There is a chance that he will be in the same place. Note that as schnitzel is low hp we hit it for only 1hp. I think that when he has 1hp of his life also disappears and then you have to after about 15 minutes in a new random place.

+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
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Best answer
The location of the gate to access the Schnitzel changes every 2 hours.

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Orcsoberfest#The_Great_Schnitzel_Hunt
by (5,796 points)
While this was flagged as a duplicate, I must remind that this question had some extra and meaningful information due to presenting reliable sources in the answer, although similar answer was already posted. My judgement is to leave this answer as a more complete one for the topic asked.
by (5,318 points)
Is it every two hours like:
9:00 Am
11:00 Am etc
Or 15 min past?
by (5,523 points)
It should be every 2 hours after the servers have come up. So typically at 07-09 mins after the hour. For example if servers were up at 9:07am, schnitzel would move at 11:07am
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The Schnitzel changes location on a timer.  It appears hourly. You will see a white message, The Schnitzel is looking for a new hiding place. If you are lucky and have the special event item, the talking sausages, they will tell you the location. You can also check locations it has spawned before, because although the city may change, the location in that city stays constant, so you can mark the cauldrons the Schnitzel appears in on your map.

If the Schnitzel is killed, it will respawn at the next due time.