+2 votes
by (5,523 points)
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To feed the Porker you must collect items from the Feeding Grounds. The items you can feed the Porker are Addled Egg, Bread Crust, Flaccid Salad, Old Meat, Potato Peelings, and Rotten Tomatoes. These items apparently expire after a certain time limit.

I was wondering how long these items last before they disappear? Does the timer start when they are on the ground or after you pick them up?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (2,488 points)
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Best answer
Hi! I took the time to go into the respawn and wait for one of those things to appear on the ground. And I found out they expire (It doesn't matter if you pick them up or not) after exactly 10 minutes. That time doesn't vary if you move them, put them on your backpack, take them out of the respawn. It doesn't matter, those 10 minutes will start running out the second the item spawns on the ground. Also, I tried with more than one item for each scenario and I set a timer from the second each of it spawned, nothing changes their lasting time. That's why sometimes they can run out quite fast (Cause they've been sitting on the ground for a while) when you're gonna use them to feed the Porker.
by (5,523 points)
Great research! This was the kind of info I was looking for. Thanks for taking the time to investigate!
0 votes
by (37 points)
They don't last long time. I recommend that you put together about 20 and use it, that you use the first ones you put together since they are disappearing.

I take about 200 so I can dead the pig

good luck and a lot of patience
–1 vote
by (58 points)
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It doesn't take longer than 2min to disappear. What I did was fill 2 bps very quickly, going to the pork, feed him and coming back to get more food. That helped me, plus some friends helped me out too:)
by (17,410 points)
Im sorry you're wrong :(
by (13 points)
It tooks me more than 10 bp full of garbage on empty server.