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by (5,523 points)
For example, a Falcon Battleaxe has 10 physical attack and 47 energy attack. Would it be possible to add Scorch, Venom, etc, to this? I assume you couldn't add the Electrify imbuement?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (1,389 points)
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This is not possible to imbue elemental weapon with elemental attack.

As a proof below are pictures: trying to imbue Emerald Sword (fully physical attack) and Winterblade (ice attack).

(Sorry for pictures taken with phone, on screenshots the list with available imbuements wasn't visible, don't know why.)

by (5,523 points)
Thanks for the answer! I know that imbuement dropdown can be weird. It is not captured in OBS as well for streamers typically. I don't know if that has ever been resolved.