–1 vote
by (524 points)
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A lot of people only use the preys won for free every day, and change them with money to keep the bonus.

Is there way to use them more efficiently? In you personal opinion what is the best prey?
by (2,564 points)
You have two questions in your posts. It would be way better to post them separately:
1. The best way to use prey
2. What is the best prey
by (524 points)
if i did this one of then is blocked

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,070 points)
It depends on the respwn and the numbers of people on the team, for example in Elite skeleton warriors if you go Duo ED/EK or ED/RP is best to have the damage preys instead of the exp preys since you will get better exp with the first one. This is because the balance between killing faster and getting more monsters is better than just having more exp with the exp preys.

So you have to make your own research on each respwn, because sometimes exp prey will be better and in another respwns is better to just have exp preys. And in another like jugger seal you will get better exp with Damage prey for hellflayer and exp for jugger and vexclaw.

So all depends on the factors of people in the team and the respwn.
+1 vote
by (5,766 points)
Yes, it really depends on your current situation and goal. Sometimes getting a higher damage or defense as a prey may be a better choice in order to ensure a more profitable hunt instead of picking up the loot prey. The same goes to the aspects of your hunt being one in a team or alone.

Particularly, I like to have always an exp prey or a loot prey avaialble, specially to use it when you are a person who usually hunts alone. I had immense success using the loot prey on Fire Devils (I was shocked by how it worked) with a low level paladin, but the same loot prey wasn't that great with dwarf guards using my knight (got several leather boots). The thing here is to balance the prey to a good creature that will generate most exp/loot return and try to figure out what your character needs most for the hunt. Sometimes it is damage per hit taht you elevate your profit or exp, other times you need to take care if you apply damage from distance (requiring the defensive prey)... It all really depends. Other events on world that increases exp may have you inclined to preserve an exp prey for a solitary hunt, but again, sometimes dealing more damage makes you amass higher amounts of exp.
+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
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That is really hard to answer. I´m going to say what I like to do but idk if it's the best option to every one.


First I highly recommend to open the third prey window. Than roll them until u get XP 10stars. When I get a monster that I use to hunt, I don't use the prey immediately, I keep it to the next day, so I can use and before it to finish (2h) I select to reroll the monsters. This way I always keep 10 stars of XP.

But if you are MS or ED, for example, some hunts are better u roll and get 10 stars of loot. If you are knight and will hunt the new skeletons you might roll and get 10 of defense. As RP I always use XP until now.
+1 vote
by (86 points)
People are not commenting on the reduced damage bonus:

I think this is one of the best, especially on the current AoE meta in which you kill many monsters at the same time. This allows for you to make bigger pulls, and kill more monsters at the same time, with a lower risk of getting killed in the process.