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by (17,406 points)
I am not great with Paladins as I main a Druid. I do not own a spellbook as I'm a big believer in shields and am quite lazy and just stand there usually as I don't hunt "hard" stuff. Now, I do own a low level 100 Paladin and I'm curious because people always tell me to run and not stand still...Is running as a Paladin important? If so, please explain why. Obviously, you want to avoid getting hit by creatures to avoid damage but are there any other reasons?

2 Answers

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by (5,523 points)
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Best answer

It is more important at a lower level when doing single target damage. Generally you aren't wearing a shield (depending on your ammo) so attacks will hit you easier. For example if you stand still and there are 2 giant spider they could melee you for up to 600 damage per turn which would be dangerous on a level 60. If you throw fire walls and make them walk around and keep your distance you would only have to worry about a max of 140~ damage from their ranged attacks.  If you are running multiple things you will be able to stay alive where if you stand still you can get trapped and take large combos.

This is only amplified by the stronger creatures and the lower level you are. Why would you want to take the hits when you could avoid them? As you level up though and begin to use diamond arrows this changes as you want the creatures to group up so you can hit as many as possible.

Also, at lower distance levels your chance to hit with single target attacks is lower when the creature is 1 sqm away from you. You have to have a higher distance level to reach the maximum chance to hit threshold. You can read more about that here.

This info refers to hunting without a blocker. If you do have a blocker there are different strategies depending on the spawn.

by (17,406 points)
Is there any other reasons? :o
by (5,523 points)
I updated with an article on % chance to hit based on monster distance from you. This only effects you at lower distance levels but will become obsolete later.
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Its really important because as a Paladin you waste less not tanking anything the only moment you are going to tank its at certain hunts where your AOE damage kill the creatures before being a real threat to your HP and other occasional situations. For example, a Knight does need to tank because his AOE only damage on close combat but Paladin even at level 150 they can avoid most damage because their AOE hits from distance with Diamond arrows and at Low level still your san can hit from distance. So the answer the only reason is that not taking damage being available to hunt some places dangerous for close combat or low HP at certain levels. Most the time if you can tank the creature being a paladin for more than a couple seconds you are hunting in a bad spot.