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by (1,850 points)
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How long my account have to be premium to get title Enlightened of Tibia? And is there any list of all titles we might get?

1 Answer

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by (2,564 points)
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In order to get the loyalty title Enlightened of Tibia, you need to get 7000 loyalty points. Given that you get one loyalty point per one day of being a premium account, this amounts to 7000 days (around 19 years and 3 months).

The full list of loyalty titles is available here https://www.tibia.com/gameguides/?subtopic=manual&section=accounts#loyalty I also attach it below. The Savant of Tibia and Enlightened of Tibia titles were added in June 2019 - https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5087

Loyalty PointsTitle
50Scout of Tibia
100Sentinel of Tibia
200Steward of Tibia
400Warden of Tibia
1000Squire of Tibia
2000Warrior of Tibia
3000Keeper of Tibia
4000Guardian of Tibia
5000Sage of Tibia
6000Savant of Tibia
7000Enlightened of Tibia
by (1,850 points)
It was there before? I mean Enlightened? Or it's new one?
by (2,564 points)
When the loyalty system was originally implemented, it only consisted of titles up to Sage of Tibia. The Savant of Tibia and Enlightened of Tibia were added in June 2019 - https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5087
by (1,850 points)
Oh didnt know that thanks.