+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Some world quests rewards are for premium account only and not free account. I want to know what world quests give experience and regeneration bonuses for just premium account players and not all players on the world?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Hi shawtay

The only Event that provides a reward only for Premium Accounts is:

A piece of Cake25% faster health and mana regeneration for seven days.
Experience bonus of 50% for premium players for seven days too.

These are the World Events that provides a World Reward Bonus for entire server as long as the event results successful:

World EventReward BonusObservation
The Color of Magic   
  • In case that the Feiz of Power win: The majority of spellcaster creatures, will give 25% more experience points
  • In case that the Furb of Fun win the event the shared experience bonus in party mode will be raised by 30%.
Only one of the Wizards can results the winner.
Spring into LifeDragon Hatchlings provide 25% more experience.Only available during the event (7 days)
The Lightbearer All players in the Game World will get +10% Shared Experience.
Be WitchedExperience Points bonus of 50%Changes added in 2019
A Demon's LullabyExperience Points bonus of 50%
A Pirate's Death to Me10% exp increase to undead creatures.Only If a world succeeds in 50 journeys.

In general, the most of the events that exists on tibia at the moment, gives an individual rewards for players who participed and help during the event and also a world reward for entire world.

by (5,796 points)
I did the downvote. Before the edit your answer wasn't very accurate at all. After the edit, your answer seems fine and very good (I was going to point out this in comments later).
by (5,730 points)
Oh, I understand now. Before it wasnt finished, sometimes I have to post and edit couple times because my net isnt the best, and It happens to me before that I lost all my answer.
by (5,796 points)
It's ok now. I tend to retract my downvotes once the answer is complete or fixed.
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