+2 votes
by (5,796 points)
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It is so ugly the minimap with both island on top of each other. And specially worse for people who like to deal with marks on minimap. Any idea on how to use the marks for both islands in a organized way? I have all Orcsoberfest marks perfectly done and now I wanna make some for Winterlight Solstice as well, but I don't wanna spoil marks done for Orcsoberfest....

by (2,564 points)
Interesting question. I guess one way would be to backup and restore the minimap and marks before each event, but that seems like a lot of work...

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (2,208 points)
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Well, I think the way of doing so is by going into the folder and saving your minimap in a ZIP file, the whole minimap folder right after orcsoberfest, marks included. And do the same with this event, then again, marks included. both on separated ZIP files so you can alternate by copying them into the folder every time one of these events comes around:

You can find a guide on how to reach the minimap folder according to your operative system in this section of Tibiamaps.io (Promoted Fansite).

Note: there's an archive inside each Minimap folder called: minimapmarkers.bin Maybe, by trying to substitute that one single file between events and see if that works. I would advice making a backup of the whole original minimap folder in case it doesn't work so you won't lose what you already have.

by (137 points)
Hi, Mathias from TibiaMaps.io here! We automatically update our downloads multiple times per year to prepare for the Orcsoberfest and Winterlight Solstice events. So, one way to separate the markers is to not bother doing anything special yourself, and instead simply reinstall the TibiaMaps.io maps+markers every now and then. The easiest way to do that is by running the installer, but we offer guides for manual installation as well. I really wish CipSoft would have put these two islands in distinct locations :(