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As a level 400+ EK with a newly acquired soulbiter what are some places that I can hunt with it? It deals physical/death damage.

You see a soulbiter (Atk:7 physical + 45 death, Def:32 +3, axe fighting +5, life leech chance 100%, life leech amount +5%, mana leech chance 100%, mana leech amount +3%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).

It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 400 or higher.

It weighs 40.00 oz

1 Answer

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by (75 points)
Issavi Sphinxes/Lamassu, Jugg seal Feru, Energy Library, Soul War Thais are places where this sword will be most effective, of course it all depends on your lvl, with 700+ you can go solo to Issavi and make really nice dmg there, but rest of the places I mentioned are only for teamhunts.