I'm playing on an elite knight of lvl 780 and sometimes I kill some Soulwar bosses, but one bad thing about doing these bosses is the waste of stone skin amulets. Considering it's price increase (and it's inevitable market price increase in the future), so I'll ask: Do you have the experience of doing these bosses in an EK without using this amulet, and on what level it can be possible?
The answers can be different for each of these bosses, and if considering it with taints and not, so I will give some example of situations:
Goshnar's Malice: Level to make it without any taint. Level to make it with 1 taint. Level to make it with 2 taints.
Goshnar's Greed: Level to make it with 1 taint and 2 taints.
Goshnar's Spite: Level to make it with 1 taint and 2 taints.
Goshnar's Cruelty: Level to make it with 2 taints and 3 taints.
Goshnar's Hatred: Level to make it with 2 taints, 3 taints and 4 taints.
And obviously, on what level can I do the Goshnar's Megalomania (5 taints) without any Stone Skin Amulet?