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by (5,730 points)
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Mirror Image is a new creature that can be found on Soul War Quest at Mirrored Nightmare. As far I know that creature can turn into a Druid's Apparitions, Knight's Apparitions, Paladin's Apparitions, Sorcerer's Apparitions. What I want to know is how it works. What is the percent chance for it turn into each vocation creature?

Thanks in advance.

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (479 points)
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Best answer

The Mirror Image has close to 60% chance of transforming into the apparition of the vocation who hit it first.

I've been personally hunting Mirrored Nightmare grounds for a few days during which everyone on my party avoid attacking until I (the knight) hit any of the Mirror Images, and so far this is how my bestiary entries are going:

  • Knight's Apparition : 3631
  • Paladin's Apparition Paladin's Apparition.gif: 991
  • Sorcerer's Apparition : 815
  • Druid's Apparition : 806
Edit: Typo's and added the Apparition images
by (5,730 points)
Hello Spaldix, thanks for the answer and the precision.
+1 vote
by (119 points)
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The mirror image has a higher % of turning into the vocation than attacking it but I can't tell you the % chance of it

by (17,404 points)
Your text was a little large so I edited it
0 votes
by (167 points)
Hello, the mirror image change their appearance  random, it usually transforms into the vocation that is closest to him.
by (79 points)
I agree, it usually transforms into the closest vocation
by (5,730 points)
Hey girls ! Seems to be about the first person that hit the creature and not about the closeness. Did you hunt there before?