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by (1,389 points)
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I was wondering who are all the animal NPCs, that we can normally talk to like with humans? My first thought is NPC Puffels from Edron, are there any more examples?

Please include NPCs that looks like creatures (if there are such) from Bestiary sections such as: Amphibic, Bird, Mammal

by (1,389 points)
No, I don't think that dwarfs/gnomes/minotaurs are animals - I would love to know all animal NPCs, which looks like creatures from Mammal category in bestiary
I mean it will not be so many of mammals.... and if it is the case please change the question, as animals has 6 classes and one of them is mammal :)
by (1,389 points)
I edited my question, added Amphibic, Bird, Mammals sections from bestiary, as mostly there are animal-lookalikes

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,389 points)
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Best answer

Below is a list of all the animal NPCs, that we can normally talk to like with humans:

Below is a list of all the NPCs that looks like an animal and we can normally talk to like with humans, but they're actually people under a spell or Fae who took animal looks:

  • A Confused FrogA Confused Frog (looks like a frog, but it's actually a Human, turned into a frog by mage Eclecius)
  • Alkestios Alkestios (looks like a white deer but it's actually a Fae, it only has animal appearance)
  • A SwanA Swan (looks like a swan but it's actually a Fae, it only has animal appearance)
  • PigPig (looks like a pig, but it's actually a Human, turned into a pig by an evil witch)
  • Tooth FairyTooth Fairy (looks like a seagull but it's actually a Fae, it only has animal appearance)
by (17,406 points)
your images dont work
by (1,389 points)
thanks, I'll edit them
by (564 points)
Caveat emptor: there are some inconsistencies in assigning these NPCs to one of the two categories. But telling which one(s) would be a spoiler!
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Rata Mari


- Rhargu

- Puffels



Guardian of Deep Seas

A Starving dog

Dream Butterfly

Guide Edna

A Majestic Warwolf

Ghostly Wolf


- Skip 

A Swan

Tooth Fairy



A Confused Frog

A frog



Dog Lady

A Frog






A Fluffy Squirel

Peacful Pooka 
