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I am looking for anything related to "cult" of Fardos- any remarks of his followers, priests, temples, statues or anything which makes remark of him in Tibia.

As an example :

Symbol of Fardos 

Do you notice anything related to Fardos in the game?

1 Answer

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by (17,406 points)

Fardos the Creator, one of the elder gods decided to create a universe because he wanted to create and give life, which can read about in the Genesis

These are the locations where I know the Symbol of Fardos can be seen-

  1. The Time Guardian Boss room
  2. The Halls of Hope entrance to the Holy Portal

Here are some words mentioned by NPCs when you say Fardos-

Player: Fardos
Tibra: Fardos is the creator. The great obsever. He is our caretaker.

Player: Fardos
Lynda: Fardos is the creator, the great obsever. He is our caretaker.

Player: Fardos
Lugri: Fardos is the creator. He is a helpless watcher whose 'creation' is far more then he bargained for.

Player: Fardos
Larek: Fardos is considered the creator, often called the Great Observer. Many people believe that it was his doing that we possess divine souls.

Player: Fardos
Henricus: The church of Fardos has more and more neglected its main task to guide people. Many members appear as fatherly shepherds who lack the stern attitude of ancient clerics. ...
Henricus: The traditionalists, however, are strongly involved in the matters of the inquisition. They help to keep the kingdom strong and the ties between church and kingship tight.

Transcripts and information on Fardos provided by the source Tibia Wiki

Items that are related to Fardos would be some books in Tibia which can be read and seen in the TibiaSecret's Librarian tool
