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by (126 points)
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Wintercourt vs Summercourt

Ghazbaran vs Morgaroth

Ice vs Fire

Both of them have some kind of cultist.

Both were raided in the 25th anniversary

Both are connected through The Explorer's Society shortcut

What is the relation of both islands and how are they related? Is there any theory about them?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (230 points)

I've researched this topic extensively, and the coincidences are undeniable.

Two types of elven castes once inhabited both Svargrond and Liberty Bay:
- Chelabdil in Svargrond
- Cenath in Liberty Bay.

-Ferumbras, in his quest for ancient artifacts, visits Svargrond. There, he imprisons Yakchal within a sarcophagus.
- Similarly, we know that Ferumbras has his own Citadel in the Shattered Isles, where an elven brooch is found, hinting at his elven bloodline.

- Both locations are occupied by Cults working for Ferumbras
- Both cults aro also involved in summoning the Triangle of Terror in those islands.

It's known that there are two type of elven Dreamborns: 
- Summer and Winter courts. Intriguingly, these correspond to the elven castes of both cities.

Furthermore, both places harbor Bonelords' bases.
I believe these Bonelords are there to harness the souls of the fallen elves from these lands for their experiments. This involves fusing their souls with other corspes, as gleaned from some Bonelords' texts.

In summary, these two islands represent a duality tied fundamentally to the elven castes. In a distant past, they were inhabited by said castes who possessed artifacts and knowledge for Ferumbras Interest.

This is an image with those concepts summarized and some personal speculations regarding Zoralurk xD

Some books you can read about this topic:

Chelabdil:  https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Chelabdil_(Book)
Feru in Svargrond: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Frostspire's_Secret_I_(Book)
Bonelords:  https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Bonelords_Threat_III_(Book)

NPC Malunga in Liberty Bay:
Player: civilisation
Malunga: The little we know about the extinct civilisation hints about a magically advanced race of humanoids, possibly of elven heritage, that once inhabited those isles until the disaster struck ...
Malunga: They were probably quite adept in manipulating the magical currents that are extremely strong on these isles.

by (282 points)
for what i see on wiki, summer and winter court elves are "Dreamelves",and both have the same ancestors, the Teshial elve caste

"Three other elfish castes are lost and almost forgotten: Abdaisim, Teshial and Chelabdil. There are some hints that the Abdaisim are still roaming the world and strong evidence that the Teshial may be the ancestors of the Dreamelves, while the Chelabdil seems to be the only really lost caste."

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Elves
by (230 points)
Unfortunately some information on Wiki is wrong.
The Abdaisim are not a lost race, they inhabit Ab'Dendriel

The only lost castes are the Chelabil and the Teshial. However, there is only one Teshial NPC in Tibia, and it's Eruaran, in Roshamuul.
by (1,534 points)
both locations also have pirates and quaras btw

Quaras are still something that we find constantly in lands with cultist remains or active cultism (oramond, lb, svar, yalahar).

In the other hand we know that pirates often to deal with cultist as well and we also find remains of them on drefia, krailos and northport (both northport and drefia seems to be directly related with undeads/cultism), and similar, but beside quaras whose intentions we don't know, pirates often to hold purely business relationships.

about bonelords on ank, IMO they don't have a base in that said island because of the events that lead them to be considered merely slaves and the treason they received.
0 votes
by (282 points)
never thought about this, but it looks interesting. I haven't found any information about it anyway.

Maybe it's simply because Svargrond is a nordic city and Liberty Bay is a caribbean island.

Also summercourts is no located in Liberty Bay, you go from Feyrist
by (126 points)
some streamers like meadek had been talking about this! I'm just here for listening to everyones opinion. Ty for clarifying tho!!
by (282 points)
yeaa, can be something, but I think it's just a coincidence because of the style of the islands. Cipsoft is proving that it does a lot of things for the sake of it,
by (126 points)
those happen to be my 2 fav cities haha so even if coincidences, I like them :D ty for answering
by (282 points)
i really like svar :) i have my best house there hehehehe