+1 vote
by (235 points)
What places and items are reachable through hidden mechanisms?

Places like Sarina's room in Carlin, acessible through the window by clicking on the vines.

And items like the doublet obtainable in Doublet Quest by clicking on the floor in Rookgaard.
by (328 points)
There's a mountain area in Vengoth, above Farmine, that you reach using a vine in the New Frontier Quest.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (35 points)
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Tibia is actually full of hidden mechanics. Some of them are more obvious than others but each one of them is perfect since it required brainstorms to discover it. In my work I would like to describe some of them, which intrigues me and which I actually value the most.

I actually could re-write here whole quest spoiler since this whole old-school quest is a made of mechanics. One of them obligates you to put 4 skulls  on every of 4 altars (1 each) in order to generate energy on SQM which gains ability to teleport you to Paradox Tower.

The next one is all about spawning a Ghoul by pulling a lever inside your room and waiting until mentioned creature will step on one specific SQM in left upper corner in order to spawn a ladder.

You will also have to sort fruits in specific order on counters (according to the book that can be found in Paradox Tower) to be able to pull a lever.

And the funniest part is that I missed 2 other mechanics (spawning stairs in grass and chess tokens).

This spot is not actually any game changer, at least at first sight. In Yalahari’s Magician Quarter you can find these 2 „walls”. In order to pass them you need to have in your backpack any kind of energy coil: Energy Soil , Glimmering Soil , Natural Soil , Iced Soil . Is there anything special behind the doors? I wouldn’t say so. Some Infernalists and Warlocks. What might be interesting is fact that there is somebody sleeping in closed room.

The soils disappear from your backpack after 1 usage.

Another of them is in definately one of the most famous quests – PoI. On the way to reaching the chambers of the Ruthless Seven at some point you will face levers in Plains Of Havoc undergrounds. At first sight they seem to be regular levers. But after being non-touched for eons, they eventually rusted and won’t tick. In order to make them work again, you will have to use a Vial of Oil on them to grease their gear. After completing this procedure you will be able to move the levers and proceed with further parts of quest. 

There is a steamship that travels between city of Thais and Kazordoon. But there eventually occures a problem with capacity caused by pumps that stopped working and the water flooded the Sunken Mines. The goal of this World Change is to deliver 202 pieces of Coal  to NPC Dronk and to use them on one of avaiable pumps nearby. After achieved that goal the pumps will start working and drain all the water from the Sunken Mines. That will take place in next server save. By doing that you will gain access to spot with Deeplings, and if you are lucky you will find nemessis boss Groam. Simple? Pretty much. Why do I actually think that is quite important mechanic to point it out? Be patient and keep reading! 

This quest is personally my favourite. Not because the reward is magnificient or anything like that. I love that because the quest itself takes about 5 minutes to complete and despite that, the Cipsoft implemented 2 really non-obvious mechanics, and one of them is really changing my point of view on this game and later you will find out why. Let me present them to you.

First of all you will be forced to find a whirl in Edron’s small lake. It’s not visible as any extra ordinary SQM or anything like that. The SQM looks like regular water, but in order to be able to find it you need to wear either Helmet of The Deep  or Depth Galea .

After you manage to find that, you will have to jump through the cliff (!). For that purpose all you have to do is wearing Boots of Haste  and take as long run-up on the mountain as it is possible. I hope that now you do understand me why I think this is something eye-opening. Because you can literally fly through few SQM.

This is not exactly a mechanic, but this one's goal is to arouse curiosity among people. As some of you might know, some not. In leaked Cipsfot's files people were able to check the body resting on a small island on Jakundaf Desert. It turned out that body containts Golden Helmet (!). So of course, humorously speaking, how many coals should we bring to lower the water level or how long run-up should be in order to get there? 

by (594 points)
Id like to remind about the Triangle Tower or when you use crowbar on the door in the building near Dwarf Bridge to get in (Treasure Hunt Quest), there's also leech acquired near Venore. Still plenty of things.
by (35 points)
Hey brother, for sure there are many, many more mechanics to describe as I mentioned in the beggining :) Feel free to describe them with another answer! :)
by (287 points)
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There are tens of mechanisms to add but it’s very subjective to pick the best ones. Anyway your post looks really neat and imo it’s easy TOP4 comparing to others’ works. Well done