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How is the damage calculated in the analyzer- do the charms and equipment is included or is it "raw" damage?

1 Answer

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by (17,404 points)
Best answer

The Damage Input Analyser shows you the actual damage you take, not hypothetical damage you would've taken without protection. So you don't need to do any math the system already does it for you by including your protective equipment, imbuements, and charms. (Source- CM reply)

https://static.tibia.com/images/news/wu20_input_analyser.jpgIt shows you the following information:

  • Total: The total amount of damage a character has taken from any source.
  • Max-DPS: Maximum damage per second, the maximum amount of damage a character has taken in one second.
  • Damage graph: Depicts the "damage taken per second" amount over time as a graph.
  • Damage Types (Earth, fire, ice, energy, holy, death, drowning, mana drain, life drain, physical): Lists the received damage by type, sorted by the highest amount in descending order.
  • Damage Sources: Lists the received damage by source, sorted by the highest amount in descending order. Limited to the five highest entries.

Displaying the damage graph, damage types and damage sources can be individually disabled. Like with the impact analyser, either recent values or session values can be shown. Speaking of which, the impact analyser will receive the same kind of damage types listing as well, which can be disabled, like in the damage input analyser. (Sources: CM reply and News: Damage Input Analyser)
