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by (5,730 points)
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As the main question says, as far I know "Fear" is a new condition applied by Bony Sea Devils and Turbulent Elementals from Edd and Flow area from Soul War Quest. But I wanna know how does this condition work, is it possible to avoid it? And how to survive under the effects of fear.

Thanks in advance,

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (118 points)
Hello, it is not possible to avoid fear.

What you can do is use bombs on yourself (Firebomb, Poisonbomb and Energybomb) so you won’t walk away when you get fear.

The ways to survive when you get fear depends on your vocation:
you’ll only be able to use Rotworm Stew or Pot of Blackjack.

you can use Ultimate Healing Rune  or Magic Shield Potion on yourself.
by (17,404 points)
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What about using hydra tongue salad? Btw, I think we spent some time together in Calmera Izzy!!
by (118 points)
I never used hydra tongue salad to cancel fear.
Because when you use hydra tongue salad your blessed steak gets cooldown and I think it’s more worthy having Blessed Steak available rather than using Hydra Tongue Salad.
But I do believe it cancels out fear.

When you play in Calmera Bro?
by (17,404 points)
In 2012 for 6 months we hunted, if your the same izzy im thinking of. Regardless of this thanks for your answer and there's some other questions on fear you could be able to help out with on tibiaqa :)