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by (5,730 points)
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According with the Genesis of Tibia there was 3 Suppreme Gods:

Fardos the Creator: Fardos the Creator: who decides to create the universe, due to his eager desire to create and give life.

Uman Zathroth: who combined in himself two unequal halves. One of these halves was Uman the Wise, a benign god who was gifted with divine intellect, while Zathroth the Destroyer was the other, darker half.

Tibiasula:  the goddess of the elements, who helped to create the the mighty column of Time. 

But they are the Suppreme Gods, apart of them there is any other Gods on Tibia?

by (2,564 points)
by (5,730 points)
Yes, in this one I wanted know those gods that are representatives for some creatures and are not listed on the question I made before!
by (2,564 points)
Could you clarify this in your question? It currently seems to be asking for the same thing, unless I'm missing something

1 Answer

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by (5,523 points)
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The following is the list of Gods and and god-like beings form Tibia.


In Tibia, there are supreme beings called Gods. Three (or four) Gods are the first ones:

  • Fardos
  • Uman Zathroth (Considered one god but had 2 independent entities)
  • Tibiasula


The Elements were created from the body of Tibiasula:

  • Tibia (earth)
  • Sula (water) 
  • Fire
  •  Air


When the Gods united themselves with the elements, the semi-gods were created:

  • Suon
  • Fafnar
  • Crunor
  • Nornur
  • Bastesh
  • Urgith
  • Toth

Lesser Gods 

Some lesser gods have also been created:

  • Blog the raging son of Zathroth and Fafnar. 
  • Kirok was created in an attempt to separate Uman and Zathroth. 

Other Gods 

These gods are recognized by smaller groups of believers:

  • Chyll is the god of some Barbarians 
  • The Great Hunger is the unsatiable god of the Ogres 
  • Great Snake is god of the Lizards and is recognized by the Draken 
  • Qjell is the god of the Deeplings 

Cavemen Gods 

  • Fasuon 
  • Krunus, plant god 
  • Pandor, warrior god 

Corym Gods 

Three different gods are known to be followed by some of the Corym:

  • Big Cheese
  • Rat God 
  • Snake God of Death 


Some mortals in Tibia are believed to have ascended to become gods or to a higher god-like state:

  • Banor 
  • Daraman 

Celestial Paladins 

Some elves believe that seven lords acquired the status of Celestial Paladins and therefore are godlike beings, although others worship the raw elemental powers:

  •  Mortiur 
  • Nera
  • Dseyvar 
  • Priyla 
  • Krynierr 
  • Azmoda 
  • Evicor

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Tibian_Gods
