+1 vote
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I want to start leveling my knight a bit, but I haven't played that level range in years. It has 97/93 skills and decent eq, where can I level as fast as possible from level 40 tro level 100?

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
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For lvl 40 I would recommend Dragons for a solo Ek but if you find a team you can go dragon lords too or even wyrms to get a lot of exp

In lvl 60~70 you can start going to lion rock and kill ancient scarab + roaring lions or going to bog raiders + mutated tigers in yalahar factory

In lvl 80+ you can hunt hydras, dragon lords (solo), wyrms (solo), Giant spiders and/or sea serpents.
0 votes
by (7,037 points)
40 - Dragons - Darashia

Zombies - Yalahar

Pirates - Yalahar

50 - Mutad Rat/Tiggers - Yalahar

60 - Dragons Lords - Darashia

Bog Raiders - Yalahar

70 - Giant Spiders - Port Hope

80 - High Class Lizzards - Farmine

90 - Wyrns - Liberty Bay

Heroes - Edron

Hydras - Port Hope
0 votes
by (524 points)
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If you have a money to waste

The spikes kazordoon -1 with exori,
gargoyole sanctuary in meriana
edron forgetten tomb

mutated rats and tigers yalahar arena
hero cave -1, Vicious squires and bonebeasts
lions rock darashia

yielothax farmine
wyrms liberty bay or drefia
sea serpents 2x2 svargrond

–1 vote
by (98 points)
I still like this tutorial from another tibia fan site:


It's in Portuguese but u can easily understand the hunting tips because it shows pics instead of texts hehehe

I'd also say that leveling up with one more player would be waaay faster! Like, hunting dragons with one more would help u 2 a lot! You'd make much more XP. ^^
by (2,564 points)
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–1 vote
It looks like your answer has received some downvotes. Don't worry, we will help you improve it!

watch this

best exp from 40 to 50 lvl as ek
by (2,564 points)
It would be helpful if you summarized the content that is linked. We try to discourage only-links answers for various reasons.