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With Winter update 2020 there is introduced improvement of Reward system collection called Reward Streak Protection. How does it work?

1 Answer

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by (17,406 points)
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The new Reward Streak Protection will alleviate this situation as it gives players the opportunity to save their reward streak in such a case.

Each character receives one daily reward joker on the first server save of each month. They can accrue up to three of these daily reward jokers, which will be displayed in the reward wall.

The daily reward jokers each compensate for one server save cycle during which the daily reward has not been collected. For instance, if you have two daily reward jokers and forget to collect the daily reward for two server save cycles while having an active streak of five days and only collect the reward within the third server save cycle, the two daily reward jokers will be used up and your streak will be increased to six days. If you would not have at least two jokers in this case, the daily reward streak would be reset when collecting the reward and it won't allow you to use any jokers-

Source: Tibia: Reward Steak Protection...

Some official replies on the forum:

Q: Can we expect Daily Reward Jokers being sold in the Store?

A: We don't currently plan to sell daily reward jokers in the Store.

Q: Can you make it possible to collect an unlimited amount of jokers?

A: For now we have settled on three daily reward jokers that you can gather, as it says in the teaser.

Source: Tibia forums: Reward Streak Protection...
