+1 vote
by (2,564 points)
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When picking up the daily reward, there's a counter that displays how many consecutive days the character has picked up the reward. If you miss one day, the counter gets reset.

Even though there are only 7 consecutive days of resting area bonuses listed, the counter does go up past 7 days. We already know that there are new background icons for reaching 25, 50 and 100 days. Are there any other benefits of high daily reward streak? Any achievements or additional bonuses? Has it been officially confirmed by Cip that there are or there aren't any additional bonuses for high daily reward streak? (If so, link to the statement is appreciated)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (358 points)
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Best answer

As of this post (February 2018), the highest possible achieved login streak is 203 days. Thanks to Reddit user /u/Frajzier we know there are no additional rewards after reaching 200 days (not even a new icon). I can't find an official statement from Cip that confirms there to be more rewards, however Reddit user /u/cldgoeswild claims that Cip has said there will be an additional reward but a small one, there is however no source on this.

Edit (December 2019): After 840 days there's still no additional reward.

Hopefully we can get an update to this post in 162 days!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/TibiaMMO/comments/7wcbjt/200_days_no_new_picture/

by (358 points)
And nothing new after 2 years. I think it's safe to say that there won't be any additional rewards
by (17,406 points)
Im currently on 840 days on my main character, Shawtay. NO additional rewards thus far..
by (17,406 points)
I'm currently at 1191 days and no additional bonus.
0 votes
by (17,406 points)
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I cannot find an official statement by Cipsoft indicating that there is more to the Reward System than we already know. What we know so far is that you can only earn titles and resting area bonuses.

Earning Titles (which are just to show off to others, and won't give you anything additional other than motivation to get a certain title):

  • Creature of Habit (Grade 1): Reward Streak of at least 7 days of consecutive logins.
  • Creature of Habit (Grade 2): Reward Streak of at least 30 days of consecutive logins.
  • Creature of Habit (Grade 3): Reward Streak of at least 90 days of consecutive logins.
  • Creature of Habit (Grade 4): Reward Streak of at least 180 days of consecutive logins.
  • Creature of Habit (Grade 5): Reward Streak of at least 365 days of consecutive logins.

Source (Tibia Fandom) Cyclopedia

Picking up your reward on a daily basis increases the counter of your reward streak. As your streak grows, you gain access to special bonuses in addition to your rewards. The bonuses are unlocked during the first 3 (Free Accounts) or 7 (Premium Accounts) consecutive days of taking rewards and stack with each other, staying available until your reward streak is reset. These streak bonuses are applied when the character is inside a Resting Areas and are the following:

  1. No bonus for the first day.
  2. Allow hitpoints regeneration
  3. Allow mana regeneration
  4. Stamina regeneration (Premium only)
  5. Double hitpoints regeneration (Premium only)
  6. Double mana regeneration (Premium only)
  7. Soul Points regeneration (Premium only)

Source (Tibia Fandom) Daily Reward System

I'm currently at 2,000 daily rewards logins which is 5.4 years!-
