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by (6,736 points)


I know that it is easy to check if Man in the Cave is in his cave by waiting to see his or Monks' sounds.

While standing on the level with Ice Golems you can see orange qotes "Repent Heretic!" or "THE MONKS ARE MINE!".

I wonder if it's possible to hear it from the level of his cave?

For example from this place:

Thanks in advance for help!

1 Answer

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by (17,404 points)
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From my experience, you cannot hear the Monks that spawn in the Man the Cave from the same floor level as pictured in your screenshot.

However, there was 1 Monk that spawned on the same floor as Ice Golems right where you get roped to the Man in the Cave. Monks don't always spawn on the same floor with Ice Golems. This is sometimes what happens if the Monk happens to spawn on the hole where you get roped he'll appear a floor below.

He spawned and I was able to hear him from the Man in the Caves floor level as pictured in your screenshot. I also included my own screenshot, I circled in red and marked with a star where I heard that 1 Monk. I thought I caught a screenshot of it but was out of luck when I went to check up on my screenshots. I tried to hear him from the place exactly on your map wasn't able to. I killed him before realizing all of this. But, I did leave the Monks up from the Man in the Cave for a bit, I moved around the whole floor but I couldn't hear them from the same floor level!

I was of course able to hear them a floor below where you get roped, I wanted to test more floor levels but someone killed them on me. In conclusion: Please go to where you get roped to hear the Monks because they spam their chants a floor below, do not mess around with the same floor level as the Man in the Cave.

by (435 points)
What about two floors below? The floor with Winter Wolves and Trolls, can we hear Monks from there?