+2 votes
by (2,865 points)
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I found this boss yesterday and noticed that one Monk was together with Ice Golems. So my question is if it's possible for this to occur with the boss itself?

Here is an image from another user proving a monk spawned in the ice golem cave instead of with the man in the cave:

by (5,730 points)
OMG, do you have a pic of it?
by (2,865 points)
Unfortunately I don't have, I was just excited with the boss that I forgot to print the Monk, only printed the boss. I find it curious when I saw a Monk with Ice Golems, then I realized that this particular Monk could have appeared exactly at the hole

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
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I have never ever seen this kind of situation with Man in the Cave personally and I think it's hard to answer on this question being 100% sure, but I belive it is possible.

I guess that bosses don't have any exact spawn SQM, but may resp around particular area and sometimes unluckily they appear on a wrong level. Okay, but let me present some evidence that confirm this theory:

Zulazza The Corruptor is one of these bosses, that may spawn on the stairs SQM and appear on a floor below it should be. It happened to me once.

source: https://www.tibiabosses.com/forum/topic/profitable-raids/

On the other hand here we've got a screenshot (source: Tibiabosses.com gallery) with Xenia. Normally she should be upstairs, but due to a bug? mistake? she appeared on a level with undeads. It proofs, that these things happens very rarely, but still.

Hope one day we will be able to present a unique screenshot with Man in the Cave with some Ice Golems around him here :)

by (2,865 points)
I asked this question thinking right about the Zullazza bosses, since I heard this about him. I wish I had printed the Monk with Ice Golems to prove what I'm saying. When I saw him it was really curious haha. Thanks for your response!
by (6,736 points)
No problem! Yea, it is very interesting at all. I was thinking about it (how does spawn of bosses place works) not only in case of Xenia/Zulazza but also in case of Cublarc The Plunderer during Zao raid. There should be ALWAYS 3 Cublarcs, but sometimes, very rarely there are only 2. And my thought was that he must have a random spawn place among a particular area, and when he "wants to appear" on a SQM with an object on it, then he simply doesn't appear in game. But you know, I have no proof on it and it's only a casual thoughts.
by (5,730 points)
Yes!! I was curious too thats why I wanted see the pic! But this situation with Zulazza also happens to me before so could happens. Also one time happens with the Welter that all summons appears upstairs. xDD