+2 votes
by (332 points)

Instead of doing profit or bestiary, could you recommend me something else to make use of the rapid respawn please?

For example, i went to tame both Moths, since it could take a while on normal respawn speed now it was faster.
What else could i do that is only worth during rapid respawn?

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Normal hunts with better XP/h - while often respawn is not fast enough and it may decrease our experience per hour - during rapid respawn weekends time of monsters' spawn is fast enough, so in many places it is possible to make visibly better XP/h. Morover we can choose for example only 3 rooms with the biggest amount of monsters from the whole cave which may help to increase XP/h too.

More hunting grounds avaliable - because of much faster respawn a lot of hunting places may be devided into parts, so more teams may have fun at the same time.

Profit - as you said you can use rapid to make some profit, but I think I may give some examples, since we can make profit in many different ways:

  • hunt places good for looting imbu items
  • hunt profitable places with way better results

Taming Titanica among Oramond Sunken Lands (Seacrest Grounds) - you can use rapid to trigger it's respawn by killing Abyssal Calamaries

Finally you can get achievements "Askarak Nemesis/Shaburak Nemezis" much faster if on your server appeared Princes!

by (1,142 points)
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Let me correct some facts:

- Pharaohs and INQ bosses are not affected by rapid respawn event
- Mahatheb is not affected by rapid respawn event
- Burster/Dreadful Disruptor are not affected by rapid respawn event
- Hive outpost bosses are also not affected

TibiaSecrets team tested it for months (especially Mahatheb ), to be sure.
by (6,736 points)
Thanks, corrected!
+1 vote
by (287 points)
I was doing hellhounds on inq :) profit+task to adams. I know good way to profit is also on Braindeaths but idk any more places that are worth hunting during the rapid
+1 vote
Get more "creature products" or some "semi-rare & rare" items you want.

For example, I make my Stampor mount in just 1.5 hrs.

Also get some items needed for outfits.
by (332 points)
This would count as profit but thanks for the idea
0 votes
by (11 points)
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Imbuement items are the best to make profit with rapid, because you can so more fast then normal and the items are more common to see. Bestiary to make charm point's its good too