+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
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How its used and for what ?

You can get exp there or items?
closed with the note: Question closed as the feature was removed / replaced. Monster arenas (also called PvE arenas) were replaced with the Tibiadrome with the Summer Update 2021.
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1 Answer

+1 vote
by (254 points)
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if you finish all 10 waves, you (and you team) will win arena badges, you can exchange this to potions, and you may be lucky and win a surprise cube, that might contain a pit demon (it is rare).

also note that if you die you will lose nothing, exp, skills, equipment or blessing.

you can see more at Eric's videos

by (3,816 points)
You can get exp when killing in the waves?
by (254 points)
no, these monsters give no loot or exp
by (17,406 points)
Edited your answer because in the past you were able to gain mana and health after you died from the arena, however this is not the case anymore so I removed it.