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Have you ever wondered what the scriptures of the runes in tibia mean? I ask for suggestions

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by (17,410 points)
tagged under runes~

1 Answer

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by (17,410 points)
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Best answer

It appears a lot of runes in Tibia are based on Astrology or based on other runic symbols. Please note this is based off of what I and my sources believe the symbols mean.

Avalanche Rune.gifAvalancheThunderstorm Rune.gifThunderstorm

Aries: Face and horns of ram Aries.svg

Explosion Rune.gifExplosion

Taurus: Face and horns of bull. Horned torus. Taurus.svg

Poison Wall Rune.gifPoison Wall

Gemini: Twins, Companion Gemini.svg

Poison Field Rune.gifPoison FieldWild Growth Rune.gifWild GrowthMagic Wall Rune.gifMagic WallFire Field Rune.gifFire FieldEnergy Field Rune.gifEnergy FieldDestroy Field Rune.gifDestroy Field

Aquarius: Waterbearer, Ripples of water, disruption  Aquarius.svg

Ultimate Healing Rune.gifUltimate HealingFireball Rune.gifFireballDisintegrate Rune.gifDisintegrate

Earth: Earth; a Solar symbol (sun cross)  Earth symbol.svg

Sudden Death Rune.gifSudden DeathSkull and bones, clearly symbolizes death.
Chameleon Rune.gifChameleon

Leo: Circle-Spirit and tail. Cosmic Snake. A lion's head and mane. Leo.svg

Stalagmite Rune.gifStalagmite

Pisces: Two fish tied together yet swimming in opposite directions Pisces.svg

Light Magic Missile Rune.gifLight Magic MissileIcicle Rune.gifIcicle Holy Missile Rune.gifHoly MissileHeavy Magic Missile Rune.gifHeavy Magic MissileFire Wall Rune.gifFirewallEnergy Wall Rune.gifEnergy WallUranus: Derived from a combination of the Mars and Sun symbols  Uranus
Stone Shower Rune.gifStone ShowerLunar Node: They are alternately known as the "Dragon's Head" (Rahu, Caput Draconis, or Anabibazon) and the "Dragon's Tail" (Ketu, Cauda Draconis, or Catabibazon). Northnode-symbol.svg
Soulfire Rune.gifSoul FireNaudiz (proto-german) "need, distress". This rune is recorded in some rune poems
Poison Bomb Rune.gifPoison BombCould also be a Lunar Node: They are alternately known as the "Dragon's Head" (Rahu, Caput Draconis, or Anabibazon) and the "Dragon's Tail" (Ketu, Cauda Draconis, or Catabibazon). Northnode-symbol.svg
Paralyse Rune.gifParalyzeStar ☆
Lightest Missile Rune.gif Lightest Missile(Proto-Germanic) Tîwaz or *Teiwaz. Tiwaz rune was an ideographic symbol for a spear. Runic letter tiwaz.svg
Light Stone Shower Rune.gifLight Stone Shower
Intense Healing Rune.gifIntense HealingDroplet - drop of rain or blood for example
Great Fireball Rune.gifGreat FireballCircle: Wholeness, infinity, unity, balance, stability, perfection, great ball of fire, etc. many concepts
Fire Bomb Rune.gifFire Bomb
Energy Bomb Rune.gifEnergy BombUnhappy face
Cure Poison Rune.gifCure Poison
Convince Creature Rune.gifConvince Creature

Neptune: Neptune's trident

Animate Dead Rune.gifAnimate DeadCross symbol, used in religions. ✞

Special thanks to my sources:

Reddit: I heard Tibians like Astrology

Astrological symbols


