0 votes
by (5,796 points)
In the deepest floors of Cyclopolis (Behemoth area and small rooms with packs of Behemoths, along with Quest Room for Behemoth Quest), how many points of interests are generated there? To my surprise, I could find at least 2 of them over there while discovering this area (with 5 points of interest very dispersed in the rest of Cyclopolis). Anyone can help me with that? I also wonder if a Point of Interest may appear inside the Quest Room of this place.
by (1,534 points)
if is useful for anyone, tibiamaps.io together with some players did a huge research over Points of Interest, im going to paste the link here:

so far they have discovered at least 1 point of interest in behemoths area.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (2,271 points)

Literally just did this yesterday. I had zero Points of Interest in the Behemoth area so I think its just a case of any where in Cyclopolis can have Points of Interest, especially since more than 7 are generally generated.

According to the wiki on Measuring Tibia, quest areas are normally excluded from generating Points of Interest.... its a hard one to confirm, unless we can find someone who specifically screenshot a Point of Interest in a quest area

by (5,796 points)
Interesting! So it can be 0 down there. I know also that there is a rare chance that when you are discovering the smaller Ice Islands on Carlin (3 of them, one accessible from Folda, the other is random event from a shortcut travelling from Port Hope), there is the famous lone island with Polar Bears that you can get there from Folda, and you can actually discover the whole section of the 3 ice islands just by staying there (very rare to get full 7 points there, but it is possible)

I had 2 points over there. One was right when I get to the last floor of Cyclopolis (big room with many corridors leading to Behemoth rooms) and another one was located at the southern small room with behemoths and cycs. Kinda of painful to get there if you are low level
by (2,271 points)
I went to all the Ice Islands to find my last point. Still never found where it was and had to reset.  Always made me wonder if there is another island out there