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by (17,406 points)
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Hey, I want to discover Quirefang but before I go I want to be prepared. One sub-area is called Hive Secondary Structure. I need to know what stage Hive needs to be in order to fully discover the area. Thank you!

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1,181 points)
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Hello there, I did the full discovery of gray islands yesterday on the tournament. The Hive doesn't need to be open in order for you to do the full map. The areas needed are the beach around the depot, north left side and north right side (some points of interest can be in the tower at right), but all the map points are to the south of the hive doors. I coloured the 3 areas you need to discover hope it helps- 

by (17,406 points)
So the Hive Secondary Structure doesn't need to be discovered? When I click it it displays the tower so I was scared it was going to need the hive stage 3 or something. Or if you're discovering this area it just displays all points near entrance/exit?
by (1,181 points)
no it dont need to be discovered i did it in tournament and points dont apear inside the secondary tower just in the one at  right>V that is always open, so can be fully done with hive closed =) the "hive secondary structure dont count for 100% of quirefang i just needed to do the 3 other areas "hive pyramids, hive pools and gray beach"
by (5,796 points)
I did this in a crazy run on Quirefang with a sorcerer. indeed, you just need these three areas colored above. Brown area in the north isn't needed. Excellent place to get points.
by (17,406 points)
Yes! Thank you I did it too on my Knight, 2 seconds after the last point I died. Oh well doesn't matter anyway I'm a Knight in the Tournament! :( LOL.