+1 vote
by (85 points)
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Hello everyone

 I just finished my first 50 points! Not too much, but well, it's a start. I'm going for that outfit + addons. It was a quest I knew nothing about until today.

Anyways, I'm wondering about the gooey masses that I can collect and their relation to the stages. Do I need to wait for The Hive to be in some specific stage to collect them, like the underground floor where bosses respawn? Or can I go and collect them whenever I get 50 points?

by (1,274 points)
Even if you have 50 points, stage 3 must be active, the Hive will be fully open for 5 days, so you can collect the Gooey Mass.
by (6,736 points)
I will add it here, maybe someone will find it useful:

Some time ago I prepared a huge guide about The Hive and its possibilities, so use it if you want! :D
by (1,516 points)
So good, I love it :)

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (1,516 points)
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There are three stages in the Hive, which advance as players score points, in total there are 16 gooey mass that can be collected

First stage:

> Each task done earns 01 Favor Point and 01 War Exp point.

Second stage:

> After the server has scored 200 points, on the next day's server save the hive advances to this stage.

> East hive tower will be unlocked: you can collect 7 gooey mass in this tower

> Each task done earns 02 Favor Points and 02 War Exp Points

Third stage:

> West hive tower will be unlocked: you can collect 7 gooey mass in this tower

> The underground respaw will be released: you can collect 2 gooey mass in the underground
(where there are the bosses that drop dungball and the Hive Overser that drop more gooey masses)

> A great opportunity to make the hive bestiary and profit 

> You have 5 days to enjoy this stage

> Players must re-accumulate 200 War Exp to return to stage 2. Otherwise, it will return to stage 1.

Hunt underground, stage 3, double loot, dropping 4 dung balls from a boss

by (17,404 points)
so only 3rd stage is when we can collect gooey masses not 2 or 1?
by (1,516 points)
I rephrased the answer, hope it's better