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I'm a 220 ek just profiting in Feyrist but I want to start making bosses daily. What bosses can I do for my level like 250 Scarlett/solo?
by (2,271 points)
Looking forward to the answers on this one

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,557 points)
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Well, here a list of bosses you can do solo:

  •  Black VixenBlack Vixen.gif
  • BloodbackBloodback.gif
  • Darkfang Darkfang.gif
  • Glooth Fairy Glooth Fairy.gif
  • Katex Blood Tongue Katex Blood Tongue.gif
  • Made Mage Mad Mage.gif
  • Raging Mage Raging Mage.gif
  • Shadowpelt Shadowpelt.gif
  • Sharclaw Sharpclaw.gif
  • Srezz Yellow Eyes Serpent Spawn.gif
  • Unaz the Mean Unaz The Mean.gif (part of Feaster of Souls Quest which requires level 250)
  • Vok the Freakish Vok The Freakish.gif (part of Feaster of Souls Quest which requires level 250)
  • Utua Stone Sting Sandstone Scorpion.gif
  • Yrkas Blue Scales Young Goanna.gif
by (5,730 points)
For Feaster of Souls I believe is needed lvl 250 to make this quest so it means that the bosses Unaz and Vok, he will not able to kill them.
by (1,557 points)
Yes you are right, but as he said "What bosses can I do for my level like 250 Scarlett/solo?"
by (5,730 points)
Ok, but his level is 220 now, I think it would be good if you separate which ones he can do now at his 220 level and also what he can do from level 250.
by (1,557 points)
Got it =D, made an observation
+1 vote
by (122 points)

In addition to the bosses mentioned in the previous answer, if you get a team you could also try:

  •  Urmahlullu 
Access to this boss is granted on the first missions of the Kilmaresh Quest.
  • Faceless Bane 
Access to this boss is granted in The Dream Courts Quest.
Note: The level restriction for this quest is 250. However, this only applies for the Unsafe Release mission since you have an expertise door for level 250 at the entrance of Carnivora's Rock.
This boss is really easy to kill and if you are lucky enough you can loot either a Spirit Guide  or an Enchanted Pendulet .
  • Heart of destruction mini bosses.  
Access to this bosses is granted in Heart of Destruction Quest
You can start killing the mini bosses and later gather a team of 15 players and complete the quest, by doing so you will be able to imbue level 3 mana leech and critical hit, and also you have the chance to loot a Crackling Egg or a Menancing Egg , which will make you really rich. 
Also, each one of the mini bosses drops 4 gold tokens so you should always get profit.
Hope it helps and good luck!
