+2 votes
by (19 points)
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Hey Guys! Last time I played, was a lot of years ago and I remember hunting in Roshamuul with a team. I know there is a lot of new stuff like warzones or the addition of Falcon or Lions sets.

How can I get to kill these new bosses?

Is the loot split in equal parts for everyone who joins? Or each person gets an individual reward?

1 Answer

0 votes
Lion Bosses, (Grimvale quest)(Solo) (4 Boss)
Urmahlullu (Kilmaresh Quest) (Team x4x5)
Scarlet (Acces to scarlet) (Solo)
Drumme (The Order of the Lion) (x2)
Oberon (The order of the Faclon) (x2-x5) (pro player Solo)
Facelees (Buried access, Spectre Access)
Barckless (barckelss quest)
WereCriatures Boss (x5) (grimvael quest) (solo)
Fairyst boss (Threatened Dreams Quest) (solo)
that's all i remember at the momennt, there is more!