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by (5,796 points)
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It is very common for Tibia players to amass huge amounts of items of all sorts after years of playing the game - however, a massive Depot can be troublesome to manage. Sometimes it is easy to forget on which container you put a determined thing a long time ago... And searching all of it can be a very time consuming activity. Is there a way to get a specific item that you really need in a very fast and practical way from your Depot?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (2,564 points)
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Best answer
I know of one workaround to this. Put that item on the market for unreasonable price (such that noone attempts to buy it) and then immediately cancel that offer. This will place the desired item in your inbox. The downsides are that it is only possible for premium accounts (free accounts cannot make market offers) and that it will cost you 1k (maximum market fee). Finally, this will only work for items that are tradeable via market.
by (5,796 points)
oh - so no way to get a key lost in the middle of 10,000 items :/ but thanks for the solution! It surely can help someone!